World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 8(1), 21-28
DOI: 10.12691/WJCE-8-1-3
Special Issue

Identification of Ants - Development of the Learner-Oriented Digital Tool ID-Logics

Jorge Groß1, Joachim Langstein1, Jürgen Paul1 and Eva Ritter1,

1University of Bamberg, Department of Science Education, Markusplatz 3, 96047 Bamberg, Germany

Pub. Date: March 05, 2020
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Transformation of Science Education with ICT)

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Jorge Groß, Joachim Langstein, Jürgen Paul and Eva Ritter. Identification of Ants - Development of the Learner-Oriented Digital Tool ID-Logics. World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020; 8(1):21-28. doi: 10.12691/WJCE-8-1-3


Ants are fascinating creatures and they have an enormous impact on most terrestrial ecosystems. Despite their importance, relatively few people are able to securely identify the various ant species. In addition, simultaneously to the worldwide extinction of species (especially of insects), the number of species experts is decreasing, not only in Germany. The aim of our project is to improve the possibilities of determination of species and get students back in touch with nature. Based on experiential realism, the learner-orientated and interactive species identification tool “ID-Logics” for ants was developed. Using the design-based-research approach and the model of educational reconstruction, students’ conceptions were collected in an interview study (n=7). According to the interview analyses, three essential learning barriers were identified. To overcome these learning barriers, data-based solutions were developed. Therefore, digital components were evaluated in three teaching experiments (n=6). On the one hand, the results showed that students were able to describe basic characteristics of ants. On the other hand, learning obstacles occurred with certain characteristics where students needed assistance. For this, interventions such as abstract graphics or short videos can support them in the process of identification. Moreover, a fault tolerant programmatic logic was implemented to combine these components in the identification tool “ID-Logics”. Based on our results, guidelines to develop further interactive identification tools are formulated.


species identification, app, students’ conceptions, ants, design-based-research


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